Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What Google analytics told you about traffic to your site in October 2010?

As you were tracking traffic to your website using Google analytics or any software you might noticed a big change to the number of visitors in October 2010. Some people got a sharp drop of up to 50% in the number of visitors. This is indeed a serious issue especially for an electronic commerce website. Our seo blog will go back to what happened. According to many sources, especially the Alexa ranking website, this wasn’t an isolated incident or any problem with you Google analytics, traffic to many websites changed, some for the best some for the worst. It was apparently caused by changes in the Google ranking algorithm, a deliberate move from Google. We haven’t heard much about this incident since. Webmasters and marketers are quickly back trying to adapt to the new environment.

Why is Google algorithm for web search constantly changing?

Like any software, the Google search algorithm needs to be improved in order to provide users with what they are looking for timely and friendly. If users aren’t satisfied with Google search engine results they will switch to another search engine, and giving that Google wants to keep its dominant position in this market its search engine will keep improving. In addition, Google has to cope with black hat hackers, an increasingly expanding Web content and traffic to websites from computers, intelligent phones etc.

Google has the last word!

So, in this dynamic environment, if you own an electronic commerce website or even such an seo blog, it is important to know that driving traffic to your website isn’t static. You will have to continuously work on improving your ranking. Google in the meantime will keep giving you some hints to improve your SEO. However don’t forget that Google is in a dominant position and its search engine algorithm is one of the best kept secrets. Don't expect Google to inform you before they change their algorithm and don't expect Google to tell you every thing!


  1. very nice job on explaining Google Analytics, SEO and SEM


  2. Great information!

  3. Hey guys, that's good to know!

    Did you get a hint on the differences it actually brought to SEO?

    Eveliiiiiiiiine, expert in how to choose a winter coat for kids! ;)
